Norton Healthcare CPA Laboratory

Louisville, KY

Repurpose of a former retail building into a Central Processing Lab (CPA) for Norton Healthcare. This Central Lab will support all Norton Healthcare facilities within the Greater Louisville Area. The 45,000 Sq.Ft. Lab will include Histology, Flow Cytometry, General Lab, Molecular, and Microbiology spaces. The Lab area HVAC system is 100% outside air with energy recovery of 75% via an energy recovery wheel. In addition, the Central Lab facility includes a Biological Safety Level 2 and BSL3 labs. BCCLT designed HVAC systems addressing the specific requirements for these biological levels. The HVAC Lab systems consists of specific units with added filtration and phoenix type controls to ensure that air quality, circulation and exhaust requirements necessary are maintained. Exhaust filtration is through an activated alumina impregnated with potassium permanganate to effectively remove hydrogen sulfide, sulfur oxides, formaldehyde, and nitric oxides. The filtration is used to eliminate the noxious odors that can build up in a lab environment and not disturb the residential neighbors around the lab. The plumbing systems include a centralized deionized water system. DI water piping is circulated throughout the building with multiple drops to workstations and processing equipment. The piping is run down inside the wall to the workstation or equipment and then run back up the wall. This design allows for very short runs of uncirculated water. The water is continuously circulated back to the centralized location.

The electrical system designed to serve the Central Processing Lab furnishes normal (utility) and emergency (generator) power distribution systems. The emergency system services HVAC, lighting, equipment and receptacle loads necessary to the mission critical operation of the Lab. The design includes provisions to allow connection of a portable generator system as backup. The electric system also includes an uninterruptible power system (UPS) serving dedicated line-testing equipment. The UPS served by the normal or emergency power system furnishes uninterruptible service to the critical lab equipment and through a dedicated power conditioner unit. The power distribution systems serving the CPA were designed by BCCLT to provide a high level of reliability and redundancy needed to support the complex, state of the art lab facility.

Placement of service devices at workstations is key to ensure electric service for the lab equipment is furnished in an efficient manner. User input enabled design engineers to better understand the specific requirements for the installation, placement and use of the lab equipment. Detailed design documents present installation specific to the construction team. LED light systems were specified throughout the CPA. Light levels were designed to match the illumination level for the detailed critical functions. Special fixture types were identified for areas with specific requirement. Design of lighting controls provides select control of area fixtures within the open lab concept.

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